If you wish to put in your share in the beautification of society, you're welcome to open up your own branch of OSCS.
New Branch Policy
OSCS system is different from regular school systems. Fast pace teaching to cater for the needs of over age students makes the work more challenging. For this purpose we've devised a plan that needs to be adopted to start and run a new branch of OSCS. People who have followed this plan shall be awarded a certificate from OSCS and become eligible for regular advisory services, trainings and assistance from our team.
Pre-requisites :
If you wish to open a branch of OSCS in your locality or associate your existing school with OSCS, you'll need :
Pure Intentions to please Allah Al-Mighty through this new project.
A great passion for education for a positive change, not for profit and financial gains.
A lot of strength to face challenges.
Team members including at least (One of them can be you :)
1. 1 Graduate knowing Quranic Translation, Tafseer and Correct Recitation of Quran with at least 1 year teaching experience,
2. 1 Graduate teacher/coordinator with 3 years teaching experience in any school.
3. 1 full time paid employee with 1 year teaching experience (at least Metric)
Process steps:
During the establishment of OSCS new branch, the following steps need to be undertaken.
1. Attend a 3 days workshop on OSCS branch setup and documentation at OSCS campus. (If you're not a resident of Islamabad/Rawalpindi you'll have to arrange boarding)
2. Show the location for new branch to OSCS Team.
3. Ensure new teachers take training on list of topics provided by OSCS.
4. Submit initial setup report (as taught in 1st workshop)
Regular Submissions required
After the branch has been established, formal admission process shall be conducted and following submissions shall be provided by new branch administration of regular basis.
1. List of new admissions and copies of admission forms.
2. Monthly report (in given format)
3. Financial report after every 6 months.
4. Annual open day function with report.
5. List of cooperating members from locality.
Rule and Regulation for OSC Branches